
Monday, August 15, 2016

A Dutch Wonderful Day

I missed posting this fun day in June!! Levi's first amusement park - Dutch Wonderland in Lancaster, PA. 

I was so worried when he got on the very first ride. He had already saw what it did and he didn't hesitate at all - he wanted to ride it! I was so happy to see his happy face when he whipped around the corner. :-)


These blue monster trucks may have been his favorite ride (and they were soooo boring!!) 

He even got on a roller coaster(he's there you just can't see him)!! 

It took awhile but he finally succumbed to sleep on the drive home... 

Summer Swimming

We are SWIMMING so I shouldn't look nearly so grumpy. I think the sun was in my eyes!! ;-) 

My little wild man dare devil!! 

Once you start you don't want to stop...


These nothing like swimming on a hot summer day...

When You Give A Boy A Cookie

He might give you all sorts of silly, happy faces!! 



Sunday, August 14, 2016

Into The Woods

Just doing one of the things we do best. Spending time as a family hanging out in the woods. <3 I need to work on getting in some of these pictures... ;-)

Abby's Grave

In June Abby's marker was placed at her grave. We finally removed the heart which has been the only marker since January. Sometimes it all just seems unbelievable. Some days I wish I could just forget it all. I wish I didn't have to feel all the pain and heartache that comes with losing a child. But as time flies by (yesterday was 7 months since she was born) the memories are just as clear as ever and can all come rushing back when you least expect it. 

My prayer remains that through each day ahead my heart stays just a little softer toward those around me - especially those who are hurting themselves. And that I am willing to let God use me and find true purpose in serving Him amidst the business of this life... 

That time at the mall...

When I let Levi ride the carousel and he kept saying to the horse behind him "Hey are you following me? Are you following me?? Why are you following me?? " Hahahaha!! 

Update Time

Get ready for some blog updates the next couple days. Maybe I'll actually get (and stay) caught up!! These will include June and July. Not much has happened in August yet...

My two favorite guys... Levi was apparently having a bedtime snack of waffles and bananas...

This was the day that Levi decided to run circles around the van when I picked him up at my Mom's and he fell head first into some rocks/stones... It healed quickly!!