So what are varicose and spider veins?
According to - "A vein is a blood vessel that carries blood low
in oxygen content from the body to the lungs and heart. It is a normal part of
the circulatory system.
Veins can bulge with pools of
blood when they fail to circulate the blood properly. These visible and bulging
veins, called varicose veins, are often associated with symptoms such as tired,
heavy, or aching limbs. In severe cases, varicose veins can rupture, or open
sores (called "ulcers") can form on the skin. Varicose veins are most
common in the legs and thighs."
The severity can range from a
mild situation called spider veins, the more visible and protruding varicose
veins and then even more serious concerns with deep vein thrombosis. Besides
the visible symptoms commonly recognizable there may also be swelling, pain and
itching, discoloration and skin changes. Even before visible symptoms some will
experience aching or burning sensations in the legs after prolonged periods of
standing or sitting. Minor injuries or cuts may in these areas can lead to
unusual bleeding.
Some simple preventive measures can help such as regular exercise, minimizing
extended periods of standing or sitting without relief and resting with the
legs elevated periodically. Mild massage with essential oils as described under
the tabs above will hasten progress.
Here are two different essential oil blends that can help prevent and treat
varicose veins.
Blend #1
Varicose and Spider Veins
· 30 drops Cypress,
· 20 drops Lavender
· 10 drops of any of the citrus oils
· 2 tablespoons carrier oil
Blend #2
Varicose and Spider Veins
· 5 drops
· 10 drops
· 5 drops Lemon
· 10 drops
· 2 tablespoons
carrier oil
Dilute your oils in 2
tablespoons of carrier oil. Always massage in the direction of the heart, from
the foot and up the leg. If your feet and legs feel tired after heavy work, ect
- massage the oil well into the legs when you get home and again before bedtime.
Foot baths are very good at
preventing varicose veins. For the following treatment you need two bowls to
put your feet into - one filled with hot water and the other cold water to
which you have added a few ice cubes. Add 2 drops of lavender to the cold water
and 2 drops of geranium to the hot. Put both feet in the cold water for 5
minutes(brrrr!); then put them in the hot water for five minutes. The cold
constricts the blood vessels and the hot dilates, sending the blood back around
the body. This treatment is also good for tired swollen legs.
If you stand all day make the effort
at least three times a week to have a half-hour foot bath, followed by a leg
massage. Use 2 drops of geranium in a bowl of warm water for the foot bath and
then one of the massage oil blends from above.