So what is Ebates? They are cash back made simple! You create an account, shop through links on their website or install the cash back button on your computer (they also have an app), apply any available coupon codes and make your purchases. Then every few months you get a check or paypal payment from them.
How does Ebates afford to give people free money? The easiest explanation I found was they are sharing money they are making through affiliate links. Ebates is also making money when we go to their website and click on the links and make a purchase - in turn they are sharing that money with us!
When will I get my payment from Ebates? Currently - to be eligible for a May check, your cash back balance must have been greater than $5.00 by 4/1/2017. If your current cash back balance reached $5.01 after 4/1/2017 you will receive a check in August.
Here are our April earnings (minus the earnings from a hotel we booked)...Are we going to get rich using Ebates? Umm, no. But we were planning to make these purchases so why not take advantage of earning a little cash back... Here is the breakdown...
Walgreens - $0.65 (spent $16.08)
Carters - $1.13 (spent $44.86)
Kohls - $0.84 (spent $13.99)
Etsy - $0.05 (spent $5.00)
JCPenney - $31.16 (spent $311.53)
Walgreens - $0.98 (spent $34.75)
Total earned: $44.70
So yes, depending on the rewards sometimes your cash back amount is going to be small. But hey, maybe at least you'll have to enough money saved up to treat your family to an ice cream date!!
So what are you waiting for?
I love eBates! I've been using it for years!