Abigail (Abby) Rose - January 26, 2016 Update
Abby is still with us and it is getting harder to watch her slip away from us. The hospice nurse has assured us she appears comfortable and is not suffering but Melissa and I still worry. We don't want to give her up but we don't want her poor little body to suffer. We are still showering her with love and she is never alone. She is even cuddled at night as we sleep. I have felt numb for the past two days but I am sure the tears and emotions will flow again once she is taken from me. I believe God is sovereign and there is a purpose for everything but I'll admit right now I can't see it. It still pains me the way some people treat their children and one of mine was so unexpectedly taken from me. I am thankful for God's grace to handle each new day and I am thankful for so many kind thoughts, prayers, and actions from people. We have so many people to thank. The girl who took the pictures at the hospital for us (on her lunch break if I understood correctly), the people who sent gifts for Levi, the meals, the cards, the comments, and the visits. The organizations and churches that gave us gift baskets etc. This has honestly help restore my faith in my fellow human beings. It has also inspired me to be kind and help others when I am able. Sorry for the randomness....my thoughts are scattered tonight. Please pray for grace for us as the time draws near. I will miss my little baby girl so much.
I'm "almost" at a loss for words tonight. As special as this time has been to have and hold Abby and shower her with love it is daily becoming increasing more difficult watching her frail little body as it continues to slip away from us. As a parent you would never think that you would long to have your child leave you but at this point I'm so ready for my little baby girl to be with Jesus. Heaven - more beautiful than we can ever imagine. I imagine her playing with other children that have gone before her and it makes me smile. I will miss my little angel horribly but I am comforted knowing that someday I will see her again!
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